Publication News: Hunting Rabbits
Well, well, well.... It's been quite a while. I've been doing all my posting on my other site: 100 Words A Day, and there hasn't been much in the way of news to post.
Not much news until today, that is. The news is pretty cool: I'm being published.
Okay, a little backstory, first. A few months ago, I got involved with a group of SHF writers who wanted to band together for marketing and support purposes. That became The Pen and Cape Society, and they're on the cusp of publishing their first anthology: The Good Fight.
The theme behind the anthology is solo heroes. I worked on a couple of ideas, but nothing really came through in time, so I pulled a story I wrote back in 2005 out of storage, and threw it into the ring. Thus, Hunting Rabbits will finally see print.
The book will be available for download as a free ebook from such vendors as Amazon and Smashwords, starting June 16, 2014.
Labels: Hunting Rabbits, publication, SHF