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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

SHF Links

I just left a comment, on a recent episode of Shimmer, about good sources of SuperHeroic Fiction (SHF), and decided to reproduce the salient stuff from that comment here on my blog, for handy reference. If anyone actually reads this, then read these:

A Thousand Faces: http://www.thousand-faces.com/

Metahuman Press: http://metahumanpress.com/
-- especially Firedrake, Comic Book Hero, Power vs. Power, and Century

Star Harbor Nights: http://www.starharbornights.com/
-- start with the archives, here: http://www.starharbornights.net/

Shimmer: http://shimmer.wibblypress.net/

The Legion of Nothing: http://inmydaydreams.com/

Oh yeah, and there's a few SHF offerings on my website as well.


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